CHAT ABBREVIATION QUICK REFERENCE: During the chat sessions, people may use some abbreviations instead of using the most common phrases used in chat. Just to help you out, here are just a few of these abbreviations and their meanings: afk=away from keyboard lol=laugh out loud roflol=rolling on the floor laughing out loud ptl=Praise the Lord gbyrg=God bless you real good brb=be right back PLC=peace and love in Christ I hope that you have a much better understanding now. See you in chat!
NEVERENDING STORY: Almost fifty posts are included in the Neverending Story. But, what is the Neverending Story? The Neverending Story is a collection of posts from various authors that is constantly ongoing. Who are these authors? Well, they are anyone who wants to add to this story, including YOU! Of course! We cannot have a huge variety like the one that we want without the likes of you guys posting on there! You can even create your own character. Characters include : Jello-man--played by Brandon Ralph and Cornelius Llama--played by Leisha The Insane Jello Eater--played by Kat The Dreaded Grammar Cop--played by a MYSTERY GUEST Don't forget to check out these other games on Kat's Crazy Folder: *Where in the World?* *Verse Link* *Song Link*
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IF YOU WANT THE LAST NEWSLETTER: If anyone would like a copy of a previous newsletter, whether it is the entire thing, or a part thereof, please feel free to e-mail me. Let me know the month. *not responsible for e-mails sent to me after the Rapture*
DM LIVE PRAYER PARTNERS TCF now includes the prayer requests sent to all of Dawson McCallister's e-mail prayer partners. These e-mails can be found in the "Prayer Request" folder on the TCF message board. To have these requests sent to you, simply click on "More Sites Where Jesus Rocks" on top of this page, and then click on DMLIVE on the left side of the green page. SEVEN DAYS A WEEK!! Since TCF opened in April 2000, we here felt it was the will of God to eventually open the chat room seven nights a week. Now, that possiblity is a REALITY!! God has made this possible through the talents and availability of our staff. We are so excited to be able to serve God more than ever now!! |
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Finally, Summer is O-V-E-R!!! What?? Too short you say?? Well, see, that is where we differ, but can still love each other in Christ! Great, isn't it? Summer was excellent. TCF could not have done as well as it would have without our teen moderators pulling us through the chat sessions. Summer seemed a bit slow with everyone off their regular routine and into the summer craze. After all, you probably went on vacation somewhere where it is nice, warm, and sunny. I hope that you enjoyed your time! Now, ha ha ha ha, back to school! *background noise--noooooooo!!* Personally, this Fall, I have returned to my teaching job, as well as more college classes. October may produce an opportunity for all to meet in North Carolina for the Adult Christian Forum conference. More information about that later. August was by far the best month this summer, I feel. We had some really exciting chat nights that produced some impressive member lists. I also enjoyed chatting with many of you on several of these nights. I hope that all of you will return and bring people with you! Well, that is all my babble for the month. I pray that the Holy Spirit blesses this publication and TCF, with all of you in this mass outpouring of blessing. Peace and Love in Christ, Brandon E. Manager, Teen Christian Forum Bible Verse for the Month: Acts 14:15~~ "Men, why are you doing this? We too are only men, human like you. We are bringing you good news, telling you to turn from these worthless things to the loving God, who made heaven and earth and sea, and everything in them. 16 In the past, He let all nations go their own way. 17 Yet He has not left Himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; He provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy." What does this verse mean to you? Have you given credit to God for everything that happens in your life? Yes, you are human, just like me, just like Paul, just like anyone in history. What makes you different? God has allowed the nations to do what they wish. He has allowed you to do the same. What will you choose? To follow Him, the one who died for you and loves you? Or will you follow men? The choice is yours. |
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