Teen Christian Forum


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Our History

Teen Christian Forum--Since April 2000

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Open Book, Spinning

Teen Christian Forum was co-founded by Kathyg and Brandon E.
in April 2000. Kathy is the publisher of Adult Christian Forum,(ACF)and Brandon is a chat moderator of ACF. Originally named "Solid Rock," it originally only offered one chat night per week. Brandon and Kathy were the only chat moderators. Later that summer, Solid Rock changed its name to Teen Christian Forum. Then, it hosted four chat nights per week, run by three additional chat moderators. In August 2001, TCF chat went to seven days a week. Tcf also offers an active message board with new messages posted by members and staff every day.

The message board offers messages, discussions, reviews, inspriation, devotions, and prayer requests. The chat, held nightly at 8:30 pm eastern United States time, offers discussions and prayer in a live setting.

The site is geared towards young spirit filled people fired up for Jesus. The site also welcomes honest seekers of the truth of Jesus Christ.

The site is non-denominational in nature, meaning that we do not hold to any perticular denomination. We believe in the following basic truths:

1) Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God. He is the only mediator between man and God. There is no other way to heaven besides through Him.

2) The only way to Jesus it to confess your sins, which the penalty to sin is death, to accept Jesus' crucifixion and death as payment for your sins, and to believe that Jesus rose from the grave three days later, to be ascended to God's right hand.

3) The Bible is the one and only perfect Word of God.

Venture further into this site, where Jesus is Lord!

Brown Book, Turning