Teen Christian Forum

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Teen Christian Forum is a place where teens can come in and relax, without pressure, and talk about Jesus Christ, as well as other things on their minds. Teen Christian Forum is run by Adult Christian Forum and its members.

We are thrilled that you have visited Teen Christian Forum! We offer a variety of outlets such as a message board, moderated chat sessions, and a monthly newsletter.

The message board contains separate folders for prayer requests, humor, praise reports, and just general discussion.

Chat sessions are held nightly. During chat, we usually have a specific topic in mind for that night, but if you have questions, prayer requests, or want to know how you can become a Christian, then just jump in!

Chat Schedule

Sundial Rotating

Every Night at 8:30pm - 10:00pm

Times are Eastern United States Time(New York).

Picture of church; Actual size=130 pixels wide

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